
"It's A Worm-derful Life" - A Late Show Animated Holiday Classic

Santa and his workshop are, like America, having a bumpy sleigh ride transitioning to the incoming Trump administration. When Elon Musk is put in charge of Christmas efficiency as part of his D.O.U.C....

    Why Edward Norton Doesn't Want To Spoil The Magic Of The Music In "A Complete Unknown"

    "This Time of Year" - Louis Cato & The Late Show Band (LIVE on The Late Show)

    "It's A Worm-derful Life" - A Late Show Animated Holiday Classic

    Edward Norton On Bruce Springsteen's Place In The Folk Pantheon

    "Timothée Was Meant To Play This Role" - Edward Norton On His Co-Star In "A Complete Unknown"

    "I Study People And Human Individuality" - Adrien Brody