
The Drew Barrymore Show: “GOOD GRIEF” STAR DAN LEVY





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Photo Credit: The Drew Barrymore Show/Ash Bean   

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Drew on Report on Tina Fey Saying Her Daughter’s Don’t Think She’s a Cool Mom 

Ross: ‘People’ reports that Tina Fey says her daughters Alice and Penelope do not think she is a cool mom….her daughters are eighteen and twelve, are moms ever cool to twelve year olds?   

Drew:…Not all the time. It’s like hit or miss. My kids, the other day I was totally losing it and for some reason Frankie my youngest she goes, ‘You’re a good mom.’  

Ross: What did you say?  

Drew: I was too busy crying. I thanked her later. I said, ‘Thank you so much for shouting that out to me Frankie it carried me through the day.’…I’m just happy when I get the good stuff and I try to let the hormones, this morning Olive was like, ‘Get out,’ I was like ‘Yep,’ and I’m just not taking it personally it’s not about me.  


Dan Levy on How Drew Made Him Feel Better Before Hosting “SNL” 

Drew: The last time I saw you was at the ‘Saturday Night Live’ covid testing area and I’m not really a schmoozer so I’m shy so I was like, ‘Hi.’ 

Dan: You were shy? I was just about to do ‘Saturday Night Live’ I had never been so nervous in my entire life and I saw your face and it was like an instant balm. There are moments when you need a little bit of a life raft and I looked over and saw you and was like, ‘Todays gonna be okay.’ The nerves are gonna be fine.  

Drew: See that’s so funny I never would have assumed you’d think that. In my mind here’s my inner dialogue, ‘Oh my god there he is. He’s so amazing. Keep it cool, don’t bother him. You know what you’ll regret it if you don’t say hi. Say hi.’ But it is nerve wracking to meet your heroes or people you love. 

Dan: Especially if you happen to have social anxiety which I do. That’s an extra layer. It’s not just is this person special and I want to meet them it’s also just like I’m uncomfortable in the room generally speaking most of the time.  


Drew & Dan on Dating Apps and the Importance of Friendship Love 

Drew: And yet you have a scene where the incredible Ruth has a date where she’s meeting a guy on a dating app but he comes to meet with you guys and your friends. I’ve never had a date on the app I’m on come and meet me with friends, have I been doing this all wrong? 

Dan: I’ve never had that either I can barely find a date on the dating app.  

Drew: I never find a date on the apps. Well that’s not true the only dates I’ve gone on in the last seven years, which are very few and far between are on an app. Are you on an app? 

Dan: I am on an app. 

Drew: Me too. I wonder if we’re on the same app.  

Dan: I wonder as well. I’ve been single for a while and when you are unpartnered, you turn to your friends in ways that are so meaningful, especially in your thirties and forties, the older you get the more meaningful your friendships become because your lives take on a weight that they didn’t in your twenties. And this was about taking all those characters and putting them in a movie and saying this is the movie. Pay attention to friendship too. Our lives can’t only be dictated by romantic love. If you don’t have that now that’s okay hold your friends close because that love story is just as important.  


Dan Levy Plays the Final Five Revealing Weirdest Rumor He’s Heard About Himself, Bucket List Item for 2024 & More 

Drew: How much money would it take to completely wax off your eyebrows? 

Dan: That’s a really great question. A lot.  

Drew: What’s the weirdest rumor you’ve heard about yourself? 

Dan: I’m actually going through a crisis in this moment because I don’t I’ve heard a rumor about myself and I think that’s quite boring.  

Drew: Do you want to start one? 

Dan: Yeah let’s start one. I need to shave my eyebrows is what I think has to happen. 

Drew: I think you should come back and we’ll do a stripe. The best piece of advice you’ve ever received.  

Dan: My mom would say…it’s always see your place in whatever conflict you have and it just doesn’t apply to interpersonal stuff, it applies to anything. And sometimes you’ve done nothing wrong and that’s the takeaway in the situation. I’ve done nothing wrong it’s all on them and we’ll deal with it that way. But if you don’t cross check yourself in whatever conflict is happening then you’re missing out on a key part of conflict resolution.  

Drew: What is the first thing on your bucket list for 2024? 

Dan: I want to get back to Tokyo…it’s my favorite city in the world.  


Drew’s 2024 Dating Outlook, “I Have to Get Rid of My Fear” 

Ross:…It says, ‘Dear Drew, it’s the new year do you have a fresh outlook on dating for 2024?  

Drew: No matter how badly you’ve ever been hurt you have to not believe that that is what is in your future or that someone else deserves that baggage, but you have to be brave and you have to be convinced that each individual circumstance and situation is probably gonna present differently. It is not the repetitive fear in your mind that you project. I don’t want to get into any type of dynamic that’s going to disrupt my life or hurt my feelings. I have two kids, friends, a job it’s very abundant…I have to get rid of my fear.