
The Drew Barrymore Show: Drew and Author of “From Here To The Great Unknown” Riley Keough Discuss Being Untraditional Mothers & More

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Drew and Author of “From Here To The Great Unknown” Riley Keough Discuss Being Untraditional Mothers & More

Air Date: Friday, October 11th

Must Include Tune In

Photo Credit: The Drew Barrymore Show/Ash Bean

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Drew & Riley on Being Untraditional Mothers
Drew: Now looking back on it, I felt so self-critical when I gave birth to my daughters because I was looking back at my own life through the judgment of other people's eyes. I picked someone to have kids with that I knew came from an incredibly stable family. I got excited by something that I felt was more traditional and then I really beat myself up that I was so untraditional.

Riley: I think that's really common with mothers particularly…I think that there's an idea of what you're supposed to be as a mother, whereas fathers sort of can do the bare minimum and they’re fine.

Drew: A creative license to be who they are. But you're right.

Riley: And I think that when you're a mother, especially if you're an artist or a creative person, those are the things that give you life…When I had my child, I kind of had this idea of what motherhood would be like, that I would be at home wanting to bake cookies all day and sit at home all day. And that was really hard for me, you know. I realized that I need to write and to perform and to do all these other things. And I was really hard on myself for that.

Drew: My daughter turned to me in bed last night. She's 12. And she said mom, I really want to act. And I wanted so bad to indulge her in that moment and give her what she wanted and needed. But I went to fear because I am so scared for my kids to have experiences like I had, there's this voice of “No, make it safe, make it really normal and full of traditions and really buckled down.”

Riley: Mom guilt…I really relate to this because my life was so wild that I really wanted things like suburbia and cookies, things to be very normal for my kids. And I’m not that kind of person.


Riley on Knowing Her Husband Was The One When She Met Him & The Cosmic Name Connection with Their Families

Drew: I don't know much about your husband and when you met him, what occurred for you to feel like, yes?

Riley: Well, I had my mom in my head always saying, “When I met your father, I knew that I was meant to have kids with him.” So I think I had this idea that I would know when it was the person that I was going to have kids with. And I did have that experience…We were barely dating and we were on a road trip and I had a moment where I kind of went, “I think I'm going to have children with this person,” and it felt like this sort of weird cosmic thing that she also had with my dad, which was very cool.

Drew: And your son’s name is Ben.

Riley: That's right.

Drew: Which is your brother's name.

Riley: Well, it's weirder because his sister's name is Storm. My brother was Ben Storm. And his brother's name is Danny, which is my dad's name.

Drew: Oh my god.


Riley on Her Mother Being Very Intuitive & Feeling When She Was Passing

Drew: Seeing how your mother was. She knew, it seemed, when your grandfather was going to pass away, she felt a premonition. Now, was that the fear of, “I have limited time with this person,” or was it a psychic connection?

Riley: I'm apprehensive to say this because the headlines can be crazy, but she did have a thing where she felt connected. She was very intuitive and in a way that wasn't like woo, woo or in the clouds, it was very kind of grounded and matter of fact. And it was pretty incredible.

Drew: When you were on the airplane and you're flying and you're trying to get to your mom, and you're trying to text your dad, did you know in that moment that your mom was departing the earth?

Riley: I did, yeah. I just had a feeling. There had been incidents before, the health incidents and I didn't have the same feeling. I just felt this sort of surrender in the moment and yeah, I just had a little bit of a sense.

Drew: And you even asked your dad, is she gone? And then he replies, yes, two or three minutes ago.

Riley: That's right, yeah.