

Sunday will mark Margaret Brennan’s first day back hosting FACE THE NATION since leaving on maternity leave. She is diving right in with a big guest line up, which includes House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham.

Margaret made her first on-camera appearance this morning when she spoke with CBS THIS MORNING’s co-hosts Norah O’Donnell, Gayle King, and Bianna Golodryga about replacing AG Sessions, the president’s upcoming trip to Paris, and a preview of guests lined up for this Sunday’s edition of FACE THE NATION.

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On coming back to a lot of news, Brennan responds: “I know… did I miss anything?”

On replacing Sessions and previewing upcoming guests: “Well, this Sunday we’re going to talk a lot about who the new chief law enforcement officer in this country may be. We have Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Lindsey Graham, two key voices on the Judiciary Committee who will be potentially holding these hearings and questioning whoever is nominated to replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions who was just forced out. But there are so many questions here about what will qualify someone for this job in the president’s eyes. Because when you think about it, Jeff Sessions was essentially the president’s border wall personified. He was everything the president wanted when it came to enacting agenda, but that original sin of recusing himself from the Russia investigation put him on the wrong side of President Trump, so we have to assume that when it comes to selecting someone for that job, that is going to be question one for the president. Exactly how will you interact with Robert Mueller, and will you make his findings public? So we will talk about that on Sunday’s show. The question for the person coming in is how will you react on that investigation and will it be public?”

On the president’s trip to Paris: “Well, this is interesting because it is supposed to be, according to the French president, a celebration of what can happen when allies work together, right, defeating as they did evil during World War I, as he has described it. But now you have the French president saying Europe may have to form its own army to protect itself against China, Russia and the United States. If that doesn’t tell you how our relationships with our closest allies have deteriorated, I don’t know what does. But this weekend the president will be standing beside these European partners and will also have an encounter we can expect with Vladimir Putin. No formal sit-down is scheduled, but we do know that they will interact there, and there is a lot to talk about, in terms of the U.S. withdrawing from this arms control agreement and the placement of U.S. troops throughout Europe and what may be happening later this month, when the president heads to the G-20 and is expected to dig in more substantively to those questions of arms control and trade agreements.”

On becoming a mom:

Gayle King: All right, Eamon’s mom, there’s nothing like hitting the ground running. Having a baby agrees with you.

Margaret Brennan: You are all moms, and I have to tell you how much respect I have. It has only grown for those who can multitask as you all do.

Gayle King: Welcome to the club. We’re a big group. We’re a big group, but it’s a great group.

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Press Contact:

Michele Exner
