
- Stephy Slays
Stephy Slays has been bursting into the WOW ring, radiating positivity since the age of 17, but her journey to get there wasn’t easy. Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, Stephy struggled from an early age due to her father’s mistreatment, and eventual absence by the time she was 12. Initially, Stephy felt relief because she and her mother could finally live in peace; however, she was promptly disillusioned.
Instead of being mistreated by her father, she was now being mistreated by her classmates. Their bullying was relentless; they made fun of everything from her clothes to her home life. This went unchecked for years until one day they followed Stephy home and attacked her. Finally the school intervened, but by then Stephy was deeply affected and fell into depression.
On the road to healing, Stephy’s therapist recommended that she find an athletic outlet. With the help of family friend Sophia Lopez, Stephy began her WOW journey. After taking time off to pursue a medical degree, Stephy Slays returns to WOW, brighter than ever. Today, she fights with renewed vigor to show everyone that no matter how dark life can be, keep pushing, because a glimpse of light will always shine through.