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Cassidy Arkin interviews Melody Moore, a former Synanon member, in Born in Synanon, streaming on Par...
- Born in Synanon
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Couples at Renaissance mass wedding in Born in Synanon, streaming on Paramount+, 2023. Photo Credit:...
- Born in Synanon
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Cassidy Arkin greets her peers and former Synanon members to discuss their shared experience in Born...
- Born in Synanon
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Cassidy interviews Rod Mullen, former member of Synanon, in Born in Synanon, streaming on Paramount+...
- Born in Synanon
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Melody Moore, former Synanon member, becomes emotional while recounting her experience in Born in Sy...
- Born in Synanon
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Members of Synanon before or after playing “The Game” in Born in Synanon, streaming on Paramount+, 2...
- Born in Synanon
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Rod Mullen and other demonstrator shaving boys' heads in classroom in Born in Synanon, streaming on...
- Born in Synanon
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Synanon founder Chuck Dederich and his wife Betty at a Western wedding in Born in Synanon, streaming...
- Born in Synanon
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Men marching in practice for the upcoming Renaissance wedding in Born in Synanon, streaming on Param...
- Born in Synanon
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