America’s conquest of space may be our nation’s finest moment. But behind the faces of fearless astronauts like John Glenn and Buzz Aldrin and a crusading president stood an army of unsung heroes and heroines: the engineers, mathematicians, designers and technicians who actually built the machines that put humanity in space. AMERICA’S SECRET SPACE HEROES unearths the untold stories of the space program – from the men and woman who created everything from the Saturn V moon rocket to the first successful Mars lander.
This brand new six-part series explores some of the world’s greatest space endeavors through the firsthand accounts of NASA’s engineering geniuses. These incredible minds turned science fiction into reality, taking on the job of building rockets, landers, satellites and everything else NASA needed to conquer space. The astronauts won the glory, but AMERICA’S SECRET SPACE HEROES reveals the men and women who quietly overcame unprecedented challenges to create the lunar lander, the Space Shuttle, the International Space Station, the Hubble Telescope, and the spacecraft that started the march to Mars.
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Grumman Lunar Module LM-13 at the Cradle of Aviation. LM-13 was intended for Apollo 19, however the... - AMERICA'S SECRET SPACE HEROES
In this April 25, 1990, photograph taken by the crew of the STS-31 space shuttle mission, the Hubble... - AMERICA'S SECRET SPACE HEROES
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NASA astronaut Kate Rubins installing a new international docking adapter to the International Space... - AMERICA'S SECRET SPACE HEROES
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The launch of the first ever Space Shuttle mission, STS-1, as astronauts John Young and Bob Crippen... - AMERICA'S SECRET SPACE HEROES
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Dr. Wernher von Braun explains the Saturn Launch System to President John F. Kennedy. Photo Credit:... - AMERICA'S SECRET SPACE HEROES
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Space Shuttle Main Engine undergoing a full power level test at Stennis Space Center in Mississippi.... - AMERICA'S SECRET SPACE HEROES
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Grumman Lunar Module LM-13 at the Cradle of Aviation. LM-13 was intended for Apollo 19, however the... - AMERICA'S SECRET SPACE HEROES