In May 2013, a team of international scientists unearthed the remains of a mammoth in the furthest reaches of northern Siberia. Three legs, most of the body, some of the head and even the trunk survived in extraordinary condition, which has quickened the pace of one of the most ambitious and controversial projects in science—the cloning of the woolly mammoth.
A new Smithsonian Channel special, HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH, will detail the autopsy results of the animal, nicknamed “Buttercup” by the team of scientists. The one-hour special premieres Saturday, November 29th at 8 p.m. ET/PT.
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Roy Weber at mammoth autopsy with blood from HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH. A new Smithsonian Channe... - HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH
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Mammoth carcass, autopsy from HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH. A new Smithsonian Channel special, HOW... - HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH
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Insung Hwang at mammoth autopsy in HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH. A new Smithsonian Channel special,... - HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH
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Mammoth carcass excavation, Kazache, Siberia from HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH. A new Smithsonian C... - HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH
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George Church and CGI of Mammoth from HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH. A new Smithsonian Channel speci... - HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH
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Dan Fisher, University of Michigan from HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH. A new Smithsonian Channel spe... - HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH
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George Church and asian elephant at the Boston Zoo from HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH. A new Smithso... - HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH
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Dr Tori Herridge and a mammoth tusk from HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH. A new Smithsonian Channel sp... - HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH
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Dr Tori Herridge and a mammoth tusk from HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH. A new Smithsonian Channel s... - HOW TO CLONE A WOOLLY MAMMOTH
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