In 1960, four college freshmen grew tired of waiting for America to live up to its promise of freedom and justice for all. See how their non-violent protest set off a civil rights revolution.
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Seizing Justice: The Greensboro 4 - Sit-In 15 News and Record - Photo: Courtesy of Smithsonian Chann... - SEIZING JUSTICE: THE GREENSBORO 4
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Seizing Justice: The Greensboro 4 - Sit-In 10 News and Record: Woolworth sit-ins continue, February... - SEIZING JUSTICE: THE GREENSBORO 4
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Seizing Justice: The Greensboro 4 - Sit-In 7 News and Record: Two Greensboro police detectives stand... - SEIZING JUSTICE: THE GREENSBORO 4
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Seizing Justice: The Greensboro 4 - Sit-In 2 News and Record: Day 2 of Woolworth Sit-In: (L to R) Jo... - SEIZING JUSTICE: THE GREENSBORO 4
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Seizing Justice: The Greensboro 4 - Sit-In 1 News and Record: February 1, 1960, Greensboro, North Ca... - SEIZING JUSTICE: THE GREENSBORO 4
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Seizing Justice: The Greensboro 4 - Lynching - Photo: Courtesy of Smithsonian Channel - Photo ID: sm... - SEIZING JUSTICE: THE GREENSBORO 4
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Seizing Justice: The Greensboro 4 - Greensboro 1 - Photo: Courtesy of Smithsonian Channel - Photo ID... - SEIZING JUSTICE: THE GREENSBORO 4
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Seizing Justice: The Greensboro 4 - Going in colored entrance of movie house, Belzoni, Mississippi D... - SEIZING JUSTICE: THE GREENSBORO 4
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Seizing Justice: The Greensboro 4 - Drinking fountain on the county courthouse lawn,Halifax, North C... - SEIZING JUSTICE: THE GREENSBORO 4
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