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Malcolm X speaking to reporters © Public Domain - Lib. of Congress - THE LOST TAPES
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- Malcolm X speaking to reporters © Public Domain - Lib. of Congress
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X © Public Domain - Lib. of Congress - THE LOST TAPES
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- Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X © Public Domain - Lib. of Congress
Malcolm X at press conference © Public Domain - Lib. of Congress - THE LOST TAPES
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- Malcolm X at press conference © Public Domain - Lib. of Congress
Mugshot of Patty Hearst upon her arrest in San Francisco in 09/18/75 - THE LOST TAPES
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- Mugshot of Patty Hearst upon her arrest in San Francisco in 09/18/75
Patty Hearst & her fiance, Steven Weed, before the kidnapping - THE LOST TAPES
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- Patty Hearst & her fiance, Steven Weed, before the kidnapping
Patty Hearst as Symbionese Liberation Army comrade Tania, April 1974 - THE LOST TAPES
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- Patty Hearst as Symbionese Liberation Army comrade Tania, April 1974
Police mug shot showing the front view and profile of convicted New York City serial killer David Be... - THE LOST TAPES
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- Police mug shot showing the front view and profile of convicted New York City serial killer David Berkowitz, known as the 'Son of Sam'.
Police escort handcuffed Son of Sam suspect David Berkowitz into Police headquarters in lower Manhat... - THE LOST TAPES
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- Police escort handcuffed Son of Sam suspect David Berkowitz into Police headquarters in lower Manhattan.
Los Angeles fireman battling a fire during the 1992 riots. - THE LOST TAPES
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- Los Angeles fireman battling a fire during the 1992 riots.
Los Angeles police officer holding up a rife in front of a burning strip mall during the 1992 Los An... - THE LOST TAPES
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- Los Angeles police officer holding up a rife in front of a burning strip mall during the 1992 Los Angeles riots.
Los Angeles residents embracing in front of a fire during the 1992 riots. - THE LOST TAPES
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- Los Angeles residents embracing in front of a fire during the 1992 riots.
Community members cleaning up damage after the 1992 Los Angeles riots. - THE LOST TAPES
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- Community members cleaning up damage after the 1992 Los Angeles riots.